Original Ars Moriendi Panel
The eleventh and final ars moriendi panel shows a triumph over death by the soul, found through faith and God’s grace. It often was drawn to depict the soul’s joyful entry into heaven. For the medieval reader, this would likely have been a most inspiring depiction.
Modern Context
To round things out, a modern take on this could be the joy of knowing one has lived life to the fullest, authentically, and in meaningful relationship. Whether an afterlife is believed in or not, when a life has been lived with intentionality and purpose, passing on can be a triumph lived on in those who carry memories forward.
Questions for Living Well and Remembered Well:
Who will most remember you when you’re gone?
What do you hope they will remember of you?
What stories, information, thoughts, feelings, etc… might you record before your passing, so that they can live on with others?
How/where might you record these?
Example: consider contributing to StoryCorps, writing a personal memoir, book, or recording video notes that can be passed on.