Part 2: Confronting Fear

Original Ars Moriendi Panel

In original ars moriendi books, the second panel or section was often about the Temptation of “despairing” in the face of death and fearing “damnation.”

Modern Context

In a more modern context, and regardless of one’s views on spirituality and religion, fear of what comes after death is still common – and reasonable! Those facing death in the 1400’s lived in a world more ubiquitously focused on heaven vs. hell. If you have a personal spiritual leaning, what does that framework teach you about what comes after death? If you do not, how do you really feel about notions of death and what might come after? While humanity’s views on this vary across time and culture, a belief in some sort of afterlife is very common. With modern science, many conclude this notion is irrelevant and medical knowledge can define things like “brain death.” However, even that is an assertion of faith because science cannot, by definition, measure “beyond death.” Hopefully it doesn’t ruin your day, but sit with that for a moment.

Questions for Confronting Fear:

What set of beliefs, if any, did you “inherit” from your family of origin about death and possible “afterlife?”
What do you now believe about an afterlife, if anything?
Who has significantly influenced your views/beliefs on this topic?
What do you most fear about the end of your time alive?
How comfortable are you, really, with what you “know” and what you “believe” about death and what comes after it?
What feares are internal (your own uncertainties) vs. external (what you might fear others will feel/say/think/do) about your death?
Is there anything that calms your uncertainty or fear about death?
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