Original Ars Moriendi Panel
The fourth ars moriendi panel usually depicts temptations of pride. It raises questions of “sins” of pride over once’s achievements and accomplishments vs. humility as the opposing force. In the religious context of the day, humility was valued more greatly as a means of grace and salvation from hell while pride was seen as a fast-track to get there.
Modern Context
Adapting this to a modern view, how might pride be beneficial in one’s life, or harmful? And moreover, could pride be balanced today with notions of humility or even the simplicity of presence in life and relationships rather than achievements, power, or wealth?
Questions for Pride or Presence:
What in your life are you most proud about?
What do you think others view as you as most proud about?
What do you consider your most significant achievements?
What do you think others would view as your most important achievements?
What do you want to be remembered for?
How have your accomplishments supported presence in your relationships, or hindered it?
When you’re gone, will your achievements or relationships with others be remembered more?
Is there anything you’re not proud of in your life? What could you do about it?
How might you become more balanced between living on healthy pride and living in healthy presence in your various life contexts (work, family, friendships, community, etc…)?