Part 6: Mental & Emotional Health

Original Ars Moriendi Panel

The sixth panel of ars moriendi usually depicts a “good angel vs. evil demon” and a battle for the soul at death, each wanting to “win” it to their dominion. Which will prevail, goodness or evil?

Modern Context

Considering a modern perspective, one might see this as the very real battle throughout life with emotional and mental health. Despite advances on modern medical technology, awareness, and therapies, mental health is a major and growing area for many populations. As recent research and books have been finding, emotional health and physical health are closely tied together. Learning from the ars moriendi view, how might one consider the importance of emotional and mental health during their lifetime as an integral part an art of living well as well as preparing for one’s end.

Questions for Emotional and Mental Health:

Personal check-in: how are you, really?
What has your journey with mental and emotional health entailed, thus far?
What emotional processing might need to be done in your life?
How are your emotional relationships with others in your life?
What are your views about mental health and mental health care?
How have these views changed over your life to date?
What changes, if any, might you need to make in your life to improve your mental and emotional health?
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