Original Ars Moriendi Panel The eleventh and final ars moriendi panel shows a triumph over death by the soul, found through faith and God’s grace. It often was drawn to depict the soul’s joyful entry into heaven. For the medieval reader, this would likely have been a most inspiring depiction. Modern Context To round things… Continue reading Part 11: Living Well, Remembered Well
Category: App
Part 10: Estate & Care Plan
Original Ars Moriendi Panel The tenth ars moriendi panel revolves around last rites and rituals at the time of passing, often inluding prayer and sacraments. Modern Context Adapting this to a modern view, what essential “last rights” should be in place? This could be a number of things, but an obvious and essential one is… Continue reading Part 10: Estate & Care Plan
Part 9: Relational Honesty & Health
Original Ars Moriendi Panel The ninth ars moriendi panel shows family, friends and clergy providing support during the process of dying and emphasises the role of community in the art of dying well. Modern Context This topic translates readily to a modern context, but to add a flavor notion towards an art of living well… Continue reading Part 9: Relational Honesty & Health
Part 8: Your Life Journey
Original Ars Moriendi Panel The eighth ars moriendi panel focuses on the journey of the soul to heaven and often shows angels guiding the soul to the heavenly place. Modern Context Adapting this notion of journey to a modern view, one can reflect on the journey through life in both personal and professional growth as… Continue reading Part 8: Your Life Journey
Part 7: History will Judge
Original Ars Moriendi Panel The seventh ars moriendi panel emphasizes judgment of the soul after death in a heavenly “court.” Modern Context Regardless of one’s views on an after-life and what judgment may occur there, the phrase “history will judge” is relevant here. That judgment will be based on one’s life, and most often rendered… Continue reading Part 7: History will Judge
Part 6: Mental & Emotional Health
Original Ars Moriendi Panel The sixth panel of ars moriendi usually depicts a “good angel vs. evil demon” and a battle for the soul at death, each wanting to “win” it to their dominion. Which will prevail, goodness or evil? Modern Context Considering a modern perspective, one might see this as the very real battle… Continue reading Part 6: Mental & Emotional Health
Part 5: Wealth and Wisdom
Original Ars Moriendi Panel The fifth ars moriendi panel envisions avarice. That’s a fun word we don’t see as often today. The word means “excessive or insatiable desire for wealth or gain” and in its ars moriendi context the issue was the proclivity to cling to wealthy and possessions rather than let go and find… Continue reading Part 5: Wealth and Wisdom
Part 4: Pride or Presence
Original Ars Moriendi Panel The fourth ars moriendi panel usually depicts temptations of pride. It raises questions of “sins” of pride over once’s achievements and accomplishments vs. humility as the opposing force. In the religious context of the day, humility was valued more greatly as a means of grace and salvation from hell while pride… Continue reading Part 4: Pride or Presence
Part 3: Anxiety or Peace
Original Ars Moriendi Panel In original ars moriendi books, the third panel or section was often about the Temptation of “impatience” or anger in the face of suffering. Meaning, one might be angry over illness and impending death and impatient during their suffering, wishing to die more quickly. In the drawings, angels would often be… Continue reading Part 3: Anxiety or Peace
Part 2: Confronting Fear
Original Ars Moriendi Panel In original ars moriendi books, the second panel or section was often about the Temptation of “despairing” in the face of death and fearing “damnation.” Modern Context In a more modern context, and regardless of one’s views on spirituality and religion, fear of what comes after death is still common –… Continue reading Part 2: Confronting Fear